This race starts in the parking lot of Kyle and Alicia's school. Its entire route is on roads that I train on almost every day. For that reason, I've been wanting to run this race for years, but I've been out of town every year.
This year I put it in the calendar months ahead of time to make sure I was around to run it.
We were watching Nathan and Lucas (my brother's kids, while he and his wife vacationed in Europe.) Malissa was entered to run, but sat it out so she could watch them.
Decorating the finish line before the race.
Michael is the first to reach the school at mile 3.
I'm right on his tail.
Alicia accepting her 3rd place award
I defended my home turf!
So did Michael!
It was a great race. Michael started out ahead of me and slowly increased his lead to about 100 feet at the halfway point. I very slowly caught back up to him and all-out sprinted at the three mile mark to get right behind him, but ran out of gas with 20 yards to go. He beat me fair and square.
Below is finish line video: Michael and I are in the video starting when the finish line clock reads 20:13 (YouTube video clock 2:35). Alicia is first on screen when finish line clock reads 28:26 (YouTube video clock 10:48). Kyle is when finish line clock reads 34:01 (YouTube video clock 16:23).