Kyle and Alicia were really excited when they heard that Highland Creek was hosting a triathlon for kids. Michael on the other hand was upset that it was only for ages 7-10. Going into this race we knew the swimming would be the hardest for the kids but they were up for the challenge.
The month before the triathlon, Owen took the kids to the pool and helped them with their freestyle. Even though they knew that the swimming would be the hardest, it's what they looked forward to the most. It was raining the day of the race and there was talk that they might have to cancel the swim portion and the kids did not want that to happen. Thankfully it was just a drizzle here and there.
Alicia was up first and was very eager to start.
Alicia shared a lane with one of her friends from school. Before the race her friend mentioned that she was really good at swimming. Alicia said her strategy was to try and stay up with her. Alicia took 13th out of 16 in the swim.
Alicia in the center of the picture on the bike.
Alicia near the finish
I don't have any picture of Alicia during her bike. We weren't sure if they were going to wait to start the boys until after the girls finished so I stayed with Kyle at the pool. You can see video of Alicia's bike and run at the bottom of the page. Alicia made up a ton on the bike and run. Her goal in the bike was to stay close to her friend and then pass everyone in the run. She came in second in her heat and third overall for her age division. I think we just opened a can of worms because she told me afterwards that she likes triathlons better than 5ks!
Kyle was up next at the pool:
Kyle in the center wearing the green shorts.
Kyle said the swim was very hard and that during his swim he couldn't wait to get on his bike. He said biking is the easiest of the three and what he likes to do the most. Towards the end of Kyle's bike ride his pedal came off and he had to run his bike the rest of the way.
Even though biking is the easiest to him, Kyle made up the most time in his run. Must be all those 5ks we have been running.
Kyle was very excited to see the finish line. He was very sore and tired but very proud of himself for finishing. He was bummed that he didn't place but I was so proud of him for not giving up when his pedal fell off and finishing with a smile on his face!